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Movermate Onsite Safety Risk Assessment: Comprehensive Guide for Setup and Use
Movermate Onsite Safety Risk Assessment: Comprehensive Guide for Setup and Use
Updated this week

The Onsite Safety Risk Assessment feature in Movermate streamlines identifying, assessing, and managing safety risks on moving jobs. This guide covers everything you need to know about setting up the risk assessments in the system, using them in the crew app, and managing the reports generated during the job.

Note: This feature is accessible to users who have crew app access.

Setting Up Onsite Safety Risks in Movermate

To get started, the admin needs to add the safety risks to the system once. After setting up, these risks will be available for crew members to assess during their jobs.

Step-by-Step Guide to Add Onsite Safety Risks:

  1. Navigate to Settings:

    In the MoverMate dashboard, go to Settings.

  2. Go to Onsite Safety Risk Assessment:

    • Under the Checklist, click on Onsite Safety Risk Assessment.

  3. Add New Risks:

    • Click on the Add OHS button to create new risk assessment items.

    • For each risk, provide a clear name (e.g., "Lifting Heavy Items" or "Electrical Hazards").

  4. Make it Mandatory:

    For risks that the crew must fill out, toggle the Mandatory option to on.

  5. Save the Risks:

    Once the risk is entered, click Save to finalise.

These predefined risks are now available for crew members to assess during their jobs.

Using the Onsite Safety Risk Assessment in the Crew App

Once the risks are added in the system, the crew can access and perform their assessments on the job site using the Crew App.

Steps to Use Onsite Safety Risk Assessment in the Crew App:

  1. Access the Risk Assessment:

    • On the job day, the crew opens the Sign Tab and selects Onsite Safety Risk Assessment in the Crew App.

  2. Select the location for assessment:

    • The assigned crew member must click on the location for which they need to perform the assessment.

  3. View Predefined Risks:

    • The predefined risks, which were added by the admin, will automatically appear in the app for that specific job.

  4. Select Risk Levels:

    • For each listed risk, the crew selects a risk level (low, medium, or high) based on the on-site conditions

  5. Provide Action or Description:

    • The crew enters a description of the actions taken to mitigate the risks (e.g., “Using proper lifting techniques” or “Disconnecting power before working”).

  6. Submit the Assessment:

    • After filling out the assessments, the crew submits the form through the app.

This process ensures that all risks are managed and documented efficiently.

Viewing and Managing the Risk Assessment Report

After the crew completes their assessment, a Risk Assessment Report is automatically generated. This report is attached to the Job Sheet and includes:

  • A list of all identified risks.

  • The risk levels were chosen by the crew.

  • A description of the actions taken to manage or mitigate each risk.

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