Navigate to Packing Material Settings
Add a New Packing Material Item
On the Packing Material page, click on the + Add Packing Material Item button to create a new packing material entry.
Fill Out Packing Material Details
You will be prompted to enter the following details for the new packing material item:
Name: Enter the name of the packing material (e.g., "Cardboard Box", "Packing Tape").
Cost Price: Input the cost price for the material.
Selling Price: Enter the price at which the material will be sold to customers.
Description: Provide a description of the packing material, such as its size, type, or use.
Save Your Packing Material
Once you have filled in all the necessary fields, click Save to add the new packing material to your system.
View and Manage Packing Materials
After adding the packing material, it will appear on the Packing Material page. From here, you can:
Edit: Modify the details of any packing material item.
Delete: Remove packing material that is no longer needed.
Confirm the deletion.