Follow these steps to add a new employee to your Movermate system. This includes filling out personal details, assigning roles, setting up pricing, and uploading documents.
Add Employee Details
Navigate to Employee Section:
Click on 'Add Employee':
On the employee list page, click on the + Add Employee button at the top right corner.
Fill in the Basic Employee Information:
First Name: Enter the first name of the employee.
Last Name: Enter the last name.
Email Address: Add the employee’s email address.
Phone Number: Provide the contact number of the employee.
Department: Select the department to which the employee belongs (e.g., Sales, Operations).
Employment Type: Select the type of employment (Full-time, Part-time, Contractor).
Click Next: After filling in the basic information, click the Next button to move on to the pricing details.
Set Up User Access for CRM and Crew App
In this step, you will configure user access for the Movermate CRM and Crew App.
If you do not need to assign access, click Next to continue.
1. Enter User Credentials
Enter a Username for the employee.
The Email field is pre-filled and cannot be changed.
Set a Password and confirm it to proceed.
2. Assign CRM Access
To grant access to MoverMate CRM:
Check the CRM License box.
Select a role for the user, which defines their permissions within the CRM.
Roles can be managed anytime under Settings → Roles & Permissions.
3. Assign Crew App Access
To grant access to the Crew App:
4. Enable Additional Licenses (If Required)
Tracking License: Enable this if you want to track the crew member’s location.
ICR (Inventory Condition Reporting) License: Enable this if the user needs to complete Inventory Condition Reports in the Crew App. (ICR is only available in the Enterprise Package.)
If a required license is unavailable, checking the box will trigger a pop-up to purchase additional licenses instantly. This will be added to your subscription.
Click Next to proceed.
Configure Pricing Details
Select Pricing Type:
Choose between an Australian Business Number (ABN) or Tax File Number (TFN).
ABN: If you select ABN, you will need to specify if the employee is GST registered. Select the appropriate option (Yes or No).
TFN: If you select TFN, simply enter the Tax File Number. This is only applicable for employees who are not GST-registered.
Does Your Pricing Vary by Days?
Additional Charges (Only for driver/offsider):
Toggle on options to charge extra for heavy lifts and stairs if applicable. Enter the amounts for each extra charge.
Click Next:
After configuring pricing details, click Next to move to the system user setup.
Upload Documents
Document Upload:
Drag and drop or Choose a file to upload the employee's documents. Supported formats include image, PDF, or DOCX files, with a maximum size of 5MB.
Complete Setup:
After uploading necessary documents, click Create to finalize the employee creation.